Crystal Jubliee Celebartion

The Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities established The National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities(NIEPMD) as an autonomous body in 2005 at Chennai. With over a decade and half of existence, NIEPMD was recognised by the Government of india throgh Two(02) National Awards for creation Barrier-free buildings and Accessible website. Four(04) mor National Awards were received by special employees with multiple disabilities who were trained at NIEPMD. The organisation continues to excel with commitment to achieve the objectives set by the Government of India, touching the lives of people and Thousands of families separated by distance. NIEPMD adds value by raising the quality of life of the persons with multiple disabilities associated with the institute and other such members in the society by encouraging equal participation of the differently abled, their families, professionals, community agencies and corporates. NIEPMD strongly believes and parctices the noble words of Hellen Keller "Together we can do so much". The organisational policy of NIEPMD aims at epanding rehabilitation services through various courses, expert advice, professional guidance and corporate collaborations. The major goals of such collaborations are to create social, economic and environmental impact there by supporitng the development of an inclusive society. All the intiatives are strategically placed and executed with utmost commitment by a dedicated team of members.