Resilience Headway-Youth with Intellectual Disability

Resilience Headway for youth with ID is a training manual develop by NIEPMD, is designed to be used among youth with Intellectual Disability aged 12 to 25 years. As the findings of research indicate people with Intellectual Disabilities in this age group have difficulties in social functioning, social support, behavioural problems & loneliness. This manual is adaptation of Nae Disha programme. Through these manual little efforts made to transfer the power to YwID over their lifes, as they can, through enhancing following skills. Which includes identifying their goal in life, building self-esteem, character strength, social-emotional and communication aspects, sex & gender differences? Coping with tension. Maintain relationships for life, understand failure learns to bounce back, create change in their society and as well as maintain mental health. Finally, it�s a need to build resilience to develop positive attitudes towards life.