Dissertation of student M.Phil (Clinical Psychology)
Predictive Role of Developmental Demographic Factors In The Onset of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd) (1.85 MB)
Efficacy of Cognitive Training on Processing Speed an Working Memory of Children with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) (18.7 MB)
Compassion Fatigue, Coping and Emotional Intelligence among Rehabilitation Professionals (4.09 MB)
The Predictive Role of Emotional Awareness and Social Intelligence on the Psychological Symptomatology Among Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (Sld) (2.25 MB)
The Impact of Perceived Social Support On Psychological Distress Among Parents of Children with Developmental Delay (2.54 MB)
Mediating Role of Personality on Relationship Between Fear of Failure and Imposter Phenomena In Mental Health Professional - Trainees (2.30 MB )
Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome and Executive Functions Among Adolescents with Autism (1.53 MB )
Personality Traits and Expressed Emotion in Spouses of Persons With Schizophrenia (1.97 MB )
Role of Perceived Social Support on Caregiver Burden And Somatic Symptoms in Mothers of Children with Disability (1.61 MB )
Impact of Personality & Parenting Style on Behavioural Outcoomes of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (4.24 MB )
Dispositional Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Caregiver Burden among Caregivers of Children with Multiple Disabilites and Typically Developing Children (2.53 MB )