Specific Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities have become a serious challenge across the world. Children with a learning disorder need nurturing in every aspect of prevention, early identification,intervention, rehabilitation, and inclusion. The most concerning part is that often they're not appropriately served in regular, special, or alternative sorts of education, which is often the main reason for varsity drop-outs and a lack of interest in education. In the present scenario, many technologies are found to be effective. The important issue of concern is that an outsized number of teachers must be trained to provide remedial services to children with learning disorders. We hope that this reference manual serves the requirements of all aspects of learning disorder, from early identification, assessment, screening, intervention strategies like reading, spelling, writing, math, and study skills, curriculum approaches, alternative methods, co-curriculum areas, inclusive learning environments, assistive technology, and multiple intelligences—meaning and definition, theories, method of teaching, teaching strategies, and classroom management, skill development, advocacy & self-advocacy, resilience, productivity, skilling and employment, and adult living.