Pursuit of Enability through Accessibility

Endurance is not just confined to an aspect of physical dimension or entity; Realm of mind is also inclusive. Such a balanced, concord composure is possible only when everything within and without, internal or external dimension is appropriate. There is certain segment of mankind who are differently abled and require sensitive environment which conceals the fragments of impossible notions. Accessibility is one of the prime requirements for everyone. Accessibility encompasses beyond reachability which is empowerment. Accessibility should be an intimate subject of matter when it comes to planning and designing spaces, buildings and cities. Empowering people through accessibility can build a society that is very progressive and dutifully bound to one another which should become intrinsic. Our team has tried to understand the intimate surroundings and constraints faced thereby, along with standards required to make the current spaces accessible to everyone. This book is a genuine attempt to help students and professionals understand the basic requirements and design ideas to help design a better accessible space.