Occupational Therapy activities for Children (Home based activities)

This handbook consists of 100 homebased activities for children, which is with 100 pages. These activities are prepared by a team of Occupational Therapists to address the difficulties of parents to manage their children at their home environment. Further to these, activities are designed to utilize the materials which are low-cost materials and easily available at our local environment. 90 materials are needed to perform these 100 activities. To grade the level of complexity and to provide appropriate challengeable activities are graded in different levels to meet the individual functional capacity. Along with the grading, adaptations and modifications for each activity are listed in the handbook. Other than the mentioned components, this handbook includes safety precautions and listed out the benefits of doing each activity. We strongly believe that this handbook will be a good resource for parents and young rehabilitation professionals to suggest some activities for the beneficiaries by considering the functional ability of the individual.